Tuesday 14 October 2008

Gotta Love Pasta

I have taken to making fresh pasta....It tastes so much nicer than the packet stuff. I made this lot a couple of weeks ago and here it is drying.

Pasta Making day Sept 08 (2) (Medium)

I have a pasta machine and its electric and I recommend getting an electric one as its much easier to use than the hand operated one. Especially if you are doing it yourself. But some prefer to do it all by hand...my poor old back doesn't let me roll out the pasta, so the machine does it for me.

This is my pasta machine.

01-0601-W Love it!!

I decided to try to make some spinach pasta...it turned out so good and I am going to try tomato pasta next. There is no limit to what can be made. Pumpkin, carrot, oh the mind is racing!!But here is some of my spinach pasta. I made so much I was able to freeze some for later.

Spinach Pasta


  1. Love it must get one . Or can I just come to your place to eat .

  2. oh so yummy! i think a pasta maker will have to be my xmas gift for next year ;)

  3. I think the right thing to do is invite us all round for a slap up Italian dinner!

  4. Oh Tozz I used to date an Italian fellow and his mother made fresh pasta from scratch all the time...in the end I wanted to break up with him and marry her!
    Anytime your free for dinner...call me! No really...Call me ! Im free.....

    Still waiting by the phone.....

    Still waiting !

  5. I would like a pasta maker too. My friend makes gorgeous fresh pasta.

  6. I think a weekend of making pasta and having everyone around to help eat it would be just the best....then get the sewing out and stitch till we drop.
    All sounds good to me and if you are thinking about getting a pasta machine...then do..they are really worth it.
